Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Let me tell you a little about myself...

Anyone who has been keeping up with Pope's blog may have read that Chris Burdeshaw will be co-authoring with him. Well, word on the street is true, Chris Burdeshaw has signed on to "Cut the chatter, Red 2." Now, not meaning to go third-person on you, let me introduce myself. My name is Chris Burdeshaw, I'm from Perry GA, and I'm studying Horticulture here at Auburn University. You'll quickly notice that Pope and myself are two very different people. I'll be writing on everything from sports to hunting to women to politics to music. Pope will undoubtedly take a different approach, though we may lurk into each other's territory every once in a while. That's the agenda of the "co-author" theory. Pope doesn't do sports...except soccer. We differ on music tastes, and on several political topics. We did, however, have quite an enlightening conversation over lunch last week over that other species we know as "women." Anyhow, so now you know where we're heading here. I hope to boost the ratings of this blog over time. Feel free to criticize my writings, or maybe throw a compliment. All comments are welcome. My first true post will be up shortly. Later

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I'm going to have a hard time not staying up to read this one. Well not really. It will definitely make for good morning reading. Who the hell needs the morning paper? Not me! I just need a little Burdeshaw at Cut the Chatter.

Welcome aboard.