Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Madness that is March

We all know what time it is, it's tourney time. Now, as all of your brackets begin to fall apart, you ask yourself "Why the hell did I pick Duke to win against Virginia Commonwealth?" I'll tell you why, because Duke is Duke. You would expect that this Coack K led dynasty could handle a simple 10 seed and move on. Nope, they blew it. I personally hate them. Any good that Duke has ever brought to this earth went down the drain in their first-round loss to Duke. I could write about it for hours, but I'll move on.
This week of the year is always crazy. One week of school is left until we all head to our Spring Break destination, undoubtedly leaving most of us with several test this week. With tests coming, Spring Break plans being finalized, St. Patty's parties going strong, and the Masters just around the corner, one can't help but wonder "Will North Carolina win it all?" This brings me to my next point; North Carolina will win it all. Tyler Hanborough is my hero. Not really, but you get the point. You see, Tyler is currently playing with a facemask to cover his broken nose. His scoring is down, assists are down, and rebounding remains consistent. Now, how did Tyler's nose get broken in the first place? The answer is simple: Duke players are assholes. Gerald Henderson was suspended one game for his flagrant elbow to Hansborough's nose. We all know the intensity of the rivalry of UNC and Duke. In their last meeting, UNC was winning comfortably with only seconds remaining in the game. Hansbourough, still in the game and still playing hard (like true champs always do) when Satan/Devery Henderson got pissed and tried to take out TH. This is so typical of Duke. Do I have more examples? No. Just trust me. As I write this, TH has taken off his mask and once again regained his dominant form. What's the point of this blog? I simply wish to inform you that UNC is the team to beat. Screw you, Duke. GO TARHEELS!!


Daniel said...

Andy Brink might hate you.

Anonymous said...

That's what I was aiming for.