Tuesday, May 1, 2007

An Update

It's that time of year. Exams are coming up. I am blessed to have four final exams as a graduating senior. This number far exceeds the amount of exams I've had to take before, and might be the highest number I've ever had to take in a single semester. So some of my writing projects might be a little delayed. In the interest of not disappointing our readers, in the days following my final final I will finish my blog on Chris, begin and finish my blog on Lauren, and reveal my top whatevers of my Auburn experience. I will also include a tracklist for the 20 songs that helped me endure the past few years of school.

I am going to write a Part II to what might seem to be a rather depressing post a few weeks ago, as you might be expecting, but I am thinking of waiting until I get to Austin to write that one.

Incidentally, Ruth Crumplar is moving to Austin. I heard she was doing it to woo her way onto the writing staff of Cut the Chatter, Red 2. That kind of thing has happened before, but let me reaffirm our commitment to testosterone filled writing and opinions.

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