Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Manly TV Characters: Jim Halpert

Here at Cut the Chatter, Red 2, we are committed to providing our reader[s] with up to date commentary on some of the manliest characters out there in the world of television, film, or literature. But mostly television. Last week we looked at Jack Bauer, who on an initial exam seems to be the consumate man of television, but who could not stand up to further scrutiny. This week we take a look at Jim Halpert, and despite his lack of gun toting and terrorist killing, is one of the most manly men on television, and certainly the most endearing.

Jim is one of the rare characters that every television viewer loves. I've not met a person that hates Jim yet, and if someone told me that they did hate Jim Halpert, I would probably coerce an apology. Jim is so loveable (across gender lines) because he isn't just a funny guy; he's a funny guy with a heart, with insecurities, and who tries to do the right thing despite not knowing what that might be.

Jim scores high on intelligence for his business excellence as well as his incredible ability to come up with some of the greatest pranks known to the cathode ray tube. Every since we saw Jim's Jell-o proficiency we've all wanted to jell-o someone's belongings. His more recent prank on Andy was side-splittlingly hilarious as well. In fact, that may be one of his more choreographed pranks, demonstrating that Jim's intelligence translates out into the world of efficient movement and grace that would make Bruce Lee proud. In fact, Jim is sort of a Bruce Lee prankster, always coming up with creative solutions to intricate problems, and of course, always succeeding (here's hoping to Jim's hemorrhage-free future).

Jim takes the cake on ethics. Not only does he have an amazing sales partnership with Dwight (remember the recent Dwight Jim sales call? amazing teamwork!), but he manages to keep it real in the office. But even more importantly, let's talk about Pam. Forget Karen. I hate her. Amy Boyd reminded me that talking on the phone 5 nights in a row for the whole night means that someone is DTRing (I hate that term) for 4 days and 3 hours too much. When Jim drops Karen, the world will breathe a sigh of relief.

The Emmy-winning Casino Night episode shows just how manly Halpert really is. He sticks his neck out to let Pam know his feelings. Manly.

At this point, I'm going to post the ratings and a couple of videos.

Jim Halpert
Strength - 6.0 (Jim's American heritage bumps him up above the white-collar average)
Intelligence - 10.0
Charisma - 10.0
Ethics - 9.0

Overall Manly Rating: 8.75

1 comment:

Brian said...

If Jim doesn't go for Pam his manly rating will go way down...that's all I'm sayin.

Let's also not forget the caring heart towards his boss. Who can forget the convention episode where Michael planned a big party and out of heartfelt sorrow....Michael showed up as the only participant.

It's his tenderheart on the one hand towards his boss together with pranks and light hearted jabs towards Michael that keep him manly. Confident, humble, and loving.