Listen to the Shins - "Phantom Limb."

Initially, the poppy and fun tracks like "Australia" and "Phantom Limb" distracted me from my other album, Of Montreal's Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? I watched, even slightly embarrassed of myself, as those tracks rose to well over a dozen (in the case of "Phantom Limb," well over 20) plays. But I decided it was time for a break, and checked out my new Of Montreal recording. The album name is just a hint of the bizarre eclectica contained in the album. I am not familiar with OM's previous releases, which gives them a little bit of slack. After this album, however, I will defintely be listening to their earlier albums. As I listened to the album, I felt that OM is the new Queen. I loved the richly layered vocals, obviously reminiscent of A Night at the Opera. The album is definitely a pop album, although singer/guitarist Kevin Barnes invites us into his flawed world with lyrics that you would expect to find sung over a mournful acoustic guitar being played in D minor. The brave juxtaposition of incredibly poppy music with soul-searching music should leave you with several questions about how you approach your own problems, and how seriously you take yourself. No doubt there is some absurdity to the sounds on Hissing Fauna, but I hope you enjoy it.
To get a taste of the sound (and the absurdity of a married, heterosexual, and I've heard even Bush-supporting male doing things that have earned the video "omg, that's so gay" comments from the YouTube community) I invite you to watch the music video for "Heidmalsgate Like a Promethean Curse."
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